My Adriatic Adventure: What’s On The Other Side Of Fear?

Connecting and sharing stories over a cup of affogato (ice cream and coffee) during my most recent trip to Canada

If you read my last post, you might expect this to be a piece celebrating three years of my Adriatic adventure.

Yup. That was the plan.

I tried writing the piece. Many times. Many versions.

The storytelling wasn’t working. Something was off.

I was frustrated that I couldn’t land on writing a piece that felt just right.

Eventually, I realized I didn’t need a wrap-up (try saying wrap-up write-up ten times fast); writing about my Adriatic adventure just needed to continue—sort of.

Do The Thing That Scares You

During my frustration, I looked back at my homepage and realized I had let one of my goals for this blog slip through the cracks.

It's funny how the internet can remind you of things you’ve forgotten. Thanks, internet.

The goal:

To connect with people interested in sharing their stories.

I saw the words and knew why I hadn't pursued that goal.

Because the goal scares the living shit out of me (pardon my French).

Here's why.

The second I wrote that goal down, my inner critic chimed in:

This goal sucks.
No one will care.
Why would anyone even participate?

See the pattern?

Connecting and sharing stories at a bar in Split

My Adriatic Adventure Continues

I’m glad I wrote that goal down three years ago.

And I am so glad I returned to re-read it a few weeks ago!

I feel like it was the nudge I needed to keep going.

So, I’m shushing my inner critic, stepping into the fear, and committing to connecting with good souls, hearing their stories, and sharing some of those moments here.

Because I think it could be delicious! Why else would I have written it?

It could also be a big flop! But you know what…who cares?!

What’s the saying? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Oh, but of course, I’m still scared.

I don’t think that feeling ever really goes away!?

I can feel it in my chest as I type this piece; it’s that feeling of, oh my God, what am I promising to do here, and how much will it suck?! (Hello, inner critic).

However, I’ll take the risk. And push through that feeling.

The thought of connecting with friends, family and strangers, engaging in new conversations, and exploring fresh ways of storytelling seems worth it.

So, let’s get to it. My inner critic and I have some work to do.

Here’s to writing the next chapter of my Adriatic adventure.

Let the storytelling continue…


P.S. Wishing you all sorts of goodness in 2025. And I hope you do something this year that scares the living shit out of you. Who knows, one day, it might turn out to be the thing that makes you smile.


My Adriatic Adventure: What Three Years of Storytelling Has Taught Me