My Adriatic Adventure: Say Yes To Something New. Why Not?
This ramble was inspired by a post I read by Billy Oppenheimer.
In a nutshell, it’s about the value of creating/doing something new/different.
Why not?
Ok, it’s about more than just that, but that’s enough to work with for this post.
His post got me thinking about how important it is to listen (hey, at least listen!) to the voice in our heads that asks us, "WHY NOT?"
I’ve been listening to the voice that asks, ‘Why not?’ much more over the last four years.
I’ve opened my eyes and ears to more possibilities, risks, rewards, and growth—all because I could finally ask myself: Why not?
Move to Croatia? Why not?
Learn to drive stick shift? Why not?
Write a blog? Why not?
Climb a mountain? Why not?
Build a stone wall? Why not?
Not every ‘why not?’ ends with me creating/doing something new.
Because that would be way too easy and probably dumb.
But every “why not?” has led to a pause, reflection, assessment of my values, and ultimately, a choice.
I now understand the importance of asking ‘Why not?’
I mean, I probably asked the question a lot as a kid.
And then, I stopped.
Insert numerous reasons why here.
But I think I get it now.
I’m back to asking, ‘Why not?’ and it has to do with the following reasons:
Living a life in alignment with my values (this one took a long time, but it has been life-changing).
Being comfortable in my skin (see living a life in alignment with my values).
Realizing life is a gift (I mean, I always knew it was a gift, but now I understand).
As I approach year three of this Adriatic Adventure, I look forward to asking more from myself, creating more, and starting new adventures…
Why not?