Dear Heat, You Suck…The Energy Out Of Me

This might end up being my shortest post.


Because it’s so hot right now in Makarska, and I have very little energy.

It’s 9:30 pm, and it’s 29 degrees Celsius.

Tomorrow’s forecast: hot and a high of 37 degrees Celsius.

I get it; the world is on fire.

I’m not the only one feeling this heat. But this is my time to ramble and rumble about the weather.

I’m a pluviophile; I love the rain.

I was born in November. I love autumn.

But this!! This Adriatic Balkan heat is new.

I mean, yes, I’ve witnessed it before. WHILE ON VACATION!

It’s no longer vacation heat. I live here now. I have to do things besides sit on a beach and eat watermelon and figs.

The heat can make one irritable. I just snapped at my mama on the phone. Not cool. I will apologize later.

It’s not that bad. It’s just all very new to me. I’ve been hit with the season that hits back. And that hurts.

This is what it’s all about. Life. Figuring things out.

So I will ramble and rumble about the heat this one time. And then I will put on my big girl pants and figure this out. But maybe not pants. Perhaps I’ll put on a pair of shorts.

Because it’s hot.


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