Exploring Croatia: Apfel Arena Half Marathon In Makarska

Running the Apfel Arena 5K in Makarska, Croatia

Photo credit: https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=apfel.arena.makarska.half.marathon&set=a.123223430551745

I honestly can’t recall the last time I ran a 5K or a race, for that matter. COVID has made timelines a bit warped. 

When I think something may have happened two years ago, I add two COVID years to it. Then I think about my mortality.

And then things can get weird. So I try not to overthink about when a certain event may have taken place.

As I said, things can get weird. And right now, all I want to do is celebrate my running a 5K race.

On Saturday, I ran a 5K in Makarska, Croatia.

The Apfel Arena Makarska Half Marathon weekend event was a first for Makarska.

The event included a kid's race, a team relay, a 5K, and a half marathon. 

It was well organized, with 249 adult participants from eight countries. A strong weekend turnout for a first-time event in a town of maybe 14,000 (the 2011 census states the population was 13 834. There could be more today).

The 5K occurred on Saturday, October 29, at 11 AM. 

Did I train for the race? 

Well, I’ve been working out consistently. I’ve taken up hiking and learning to play tennis. And I walk a LOT. I eat well. And for the most part, I sleep well.

If all that counts for training, then yes, I trained.

Did I train by running?

Not proud to say this, but no. I found out about the event a month before race day. I signed up and did go out for a few runs.

By few, I mean two. 

I am not proud of that piece, but I have been taking care of myself, so I thought, let's give this a go.

I understand training and preparation are important, but sometimes you can’t wait for the ideal time to do something. And so I laced my running shoes and ran the 5K anyway.

The Apfel Arena 5K wasn’t my first race. I’ve run 5Ks, 10Ks, and two half marathons. But this was my first race in a post-COVID world.

Are we there yet? Can I say post-covid world? I just did.

Apfel Arena Makarska Half Marathon 5K medal. Makarska, Croatia

My goal was to complete the race in under 35 minutes.  

My previous race times are listed somewhere on the world wide web.  But I didn’t look them up. I don’t think it would have mattered. I was younger, and it was a pre-COVID world.

I didn’t prepare a playlist for the race. I decided that one song would play on repeat on my phone.

I hit shuffle, and the first song was Salute Your Solution by the Raconteurs. I laughed. That would be my song.

Here are some of the lyrics:

I seem to think I, think I got a little situation

So listen to me sister listen maybe you can help

I think I gave a lot of problems my consideration

But not for me, it always seems to be for someone else

Why all the people always seem to just be on vacation

What do I get from it? I don't get anything at all

I'm like a trash can holding all the information

And every single time it leaves me feeling two feet tall

Salute your solution, now, salute your solution.

That song played on repeat for the duration of my Apfel Arena Makarska 5K race.

I completed the race in 28 minutes and 16 seconds.

The song is 2 minutes and 59 seconds.

That means I listened to that one song almost 11 times. 

Nope, never got bored. Seems I needed to hear the words on repeat.

And the 168 beats per minute worked well!

Post 5K race photo. Apfel Arena Makarsa Half Marathon. Makarska, Croatia

And there you have it. In 28 minutes and 16 seconds, I completed my first 5K race in Makarska, Croatia.

Great atmosphere, great weather, a great song, and a not-so-bad finish time.

Thanks to all those who made this event possible.

What’s next?

It seems I am inspired to race again.

There’s a half-marathon in Split, Croatia, in February 2023. That’s four months away.



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