My Adriatic Adventure
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Embracing Change
For almost two years, the view from my balcony has been one of my constants during this Adriatic adventure.

Things That Made Me Smile (August 2023 Edition)
This was my second August living in Makarska, Croatia. And this is what I have come up with August is my least favourite month in Makarska.

That End of Summer Scent
At the end of last summer, I was in the car, listening to a Croatian radio station based in Dalmacija, and the announcer said something that stayed with me.

‘My Best Advice: Don’t Hold Back.’
Recently, a dear friend had some constructive feedback to share about my posts.

Exploring Croatia: The Island of Vis
In four hours on the Island of Vis in Croatia, I managed to do…very little.
And it was glorious.

Five Things That Made Me Go Hmm…
Today, I am sharing a list of things that left me thinking/wondering over these last couple of weeks.
You know, the things that made me go, hmm…
I Have No Idea What To Title This Post So This Will Have To Do
Just because you do it that way in your country, doesn’t mean we do it that way here.
A lesson in cultural awareness through coffee.

If There’s Room In The Heart, There’s Room For The Butt
There’s a Swedish saying:
“If there’s room In the heart, there is room for the butt (Finns det hjärterum så finns det stärterum).”

Things That Made Me Smile (June 2023 Edition)
So now, because of Catholic guilt- I will attempt to create balance in the world - or at least in my head - and mention six things that made me smile over the last couple of weeks.

Why Does The Baker Go To Work? He Kneads The Dough
A few days ago, the plan was to make pizza dough.

Exploring Croatia: The Path of Brave Women (Put Hrabrih Žena)
Yesterday, I was led on a hike and tour by a newly formed group of creative storytellers -the Association of Tourist Guides Makarska Rivijera i Zabiokovlje.

How Do You Say ‘Delicious’ In Croatian?
Yesterday a friend asked, how do you say a meal is delicious in Croatian?

My Adriatic Adventure Includes Less Smartphone, More Sea and Mountains
I’ve spent the last few years limiting my time on electronic gadgets, especially since the pandemic.
It’s served me well.

Food, Glorious Food
Over the last few years, I’ve made strides in the kitchen. I finally realized that a lack of sense of smell was out of my control, a crutch I was using, and it was time to wake up and smell the coffee. Pun intended.