Food, Glorious Food

Villa Spiza. Split.

Mussels at Villa Spiza. Split, Croatia.

I have no sense of smell.

For years, I have used that as an excuse for not enjoying the art of cooking and baking.

I would tell myself it was too stressful and complicated; since I couldn’t smell what I was preparing, how would anyone enjoy my dishes?

How did I get by when it came to preparing dishes for others?

Potlucks: I would pick something up from a bakery or restaurant in my neighborhood. I would rave about the dish/plate. That would take the focus off me and place it on the dish. Win.

School bake sales: I prepared popcorn and placed it in bags. Simple win.

Cooking for people in my life: STRESS. NO JOY. Sometimes tears. Yes, yes, I get a tad dramatic.

New Year. New Goals

Over the last few years, I’ve made strides in the kitchen.

I finally realized that a lack of sense of smell was out of my control, a crutch I was using, and it was time to wake up and smell the coffee. Pun intended.

I’ve become more comfortable in the kitchen over the last few years.

And get this… I think I enjoy preparing dishes!

This year, my goal is to kick things up a notch or two.

I’m trying new recipes, finding what works for my palette and what spices and flavours I like/can taste.

I’m currently exploring recipes prepared by Irene Matys.

Chickpea Avgolemono Soup. Recipe by Irene Matys.

A few nights ago, I made her Chickpea Avgolemono Soup, which was delicious!

At the moment, I cook for one person, and anytime a dish requires washing very few pots AND manages to hold well as a leftover, that’s a massive win in my books.

Also, while I can’t say I can ‘taste’ chickpeas, I love the texture. If there are chickpeas in the recipe, I will give it a try.

I’ve attempted a few recipes by Yotam Ottolenghi. His puy lentil and aubergine stew is a new favourite. Maybe it’s the thyme or the textures. Not sure I can place it yet. Still figuring out how all this works.

Homemade Hummus and Bruschetta Spread. I did that!

I’ve started preparing dishes for people in my life.

Cooking is a love language. I’ve been on the receiving end of that love language, and it’s delicious! Literally and figuratively.

While at times terrifying (yes, being dramatic), preparing dishes has been a great way to show the people in my life that I care about them.

What’s Next?

I want to take a cooking class in Croatia.

While doing that in Makarska would be great, I will travel for food.

Currently, this one speaks to me: Cucina Mare in Split. Thanks for the recommendation, Sensible Guides.

While their kitchen is closed until May, I look forward to signing up for a class with them in the summer. Because, yes, I would like to cook like a Croatian Baba.

In the meantime, if there’s a brave soul or restaurant that would like to offer a cooking class or two…I’m in!


Mama’s Burek. Made with love.

Also, I think it’s about time I learn to make Burek.

One day I hope to make it almost as well as my mama (see photo).

She pours her heart and soul into this dish. And it shows.

And that’s my Monday musing typed out and ready to share.

Now, it’s time for lunch.


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