My Adriatic Adventure
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Croatian Connections: Three Social Media Accounts That Highlight Croatia
Navigating this Adriatic Adventure often includes exploring the World Wide Web for relevant Croatian content.

Why Does The Baker Go To Work? He Kneads The Dough
A few days ago, the plan was to make pizza dough.

Celebrating Beginnings and Endings
I record these musings to remind myself just how delicious life is - sometimes we forget - sometimes I forget- so these entries are a way to remind myself that this adventure (life) should be celebrated - wins, losses, heartbreak, joy - and everything in between

Exploring Croatia: The Time I Accidentally Ordered Breaded Calamari In Imotski
Have you had the breaded calamari at Hotel Venezia in Imotski, Croatia?

How Do You Say ‘Delicious’ In Croatian?
Yesterday a friend asked, how do you say a meal is delicious in Croatian?

My Adriatic Adventure Includes Less Smartphone, More Sea and Mountains
I’ve spent the last few years limiting my time on electronic gadgets, especially since the pandemic.
It’s served me well.

Food, Glorious Food
Over the last few years, I’ve made strides in the kitchen. I finally realized that a lack of sense of smell was out of my control, a crutch I was using, and it was time to wake up and smell the coffee. Pun intended.

Who Is Writing Your Adventure?
This brief ramble is about agency: the ability to take action or choose what action to take, and ultimately, what happens when you give your agency away?

Oh, Canada: Five Little Things I Noticed While in Canada
On December 1, 2022, I traveled to Mississauga, Canada, and spent a month in the company of family and friends.

Happy Birthday To Me!
Yesterday was my birthday.
I was thinking about how I wanted to celebrate.

Exploring Croatia: Olive Harvesting In Gradac
Over the last two weeks, I spent three days picking olives in Gradac, Croatia, a coastal town 40 km south of Makarska.

Exploring Croatia: Building a Dry Stone Wall in Brela
I have no experience constructing a dry stone wall. I don’t think I thought about ever wanting to construct a dry stone wall before moving to Croatia. But here I am, living my Adriatic adventure. Seems it involves learning about dry stone walls.

Nine Random Notes About My Nine Months In Croatia
I'm in Season Three (Summer) of the Marijana in Makarska, Croatia - show. Except, get this, it's not a show. It's real life. It's my life.

My Adriatic Adventure: Three Months and Counting…
It’s been three months since I packed some of my things and made my way to Croatia, three months of me creating routines in a new place, three months of exercising my mind in a way that I haven’t exercised in years.