Who Is Writing Your Adventure?
A few days ago, I started writing a blog post.
I wrote. And then, I set aside my laptop.
I did not press ‘save’- thought, nah, it will be fine, Squarespace will remember.
The next day, I opened my laptop, and that’s when I learned: Squarespace did not remember.
It seems that I have to be the one to press ‘save.’
It appears that I have to be the one to manage things. It seems computers aren’t designed to do everything just yet.
And that got me thinking.
Thinking about what it means when I don’t manage/record/write/execute my thoughts, stories, feelings, and goals.
What happens is much like what happened here with Mr. Squarespace; yes, it’s a mister; many of those things disappear or are taken over by someone or something else, and it is up to me to retrieve them, action them, and produce a result. Or else…
What is this ramble?
I’ll be brief.
This brief ramble is about agency: the ability to take action or choose what action to take, and ultimately, what happens when you give your agency away?
Borrowing this line from a blog posted by Eblin Group:
“Nothing good comes from giving your agency away. It’s like a muscle. If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
I don’t want to lose my agency.
I’ve spent the last year on this Adriatic Adventure.
It’s been lovely.
I put forth some goals, achieved most, scrapped a few, and am still actively working on achieving the others.
I’ve accomplished a fair amount in this transition. I’m proud of that. But I realize that I can kick it up a notch.
And if I don’t, someone else will take the lead in writing MY Adriatic Adventure.
This might be an age thing. It might be a therapy thing. It might be an Adriatic air thing. Whatever it is, I’m here for it.
This brief ramble will serve as a reminder of the importance of taking control. Not of others. Of myself. Of my story.
This is my Adriatic Adventure. So why would I let anyone but me be the author?
And that’s where I’m at.
This a reminder to me and YOU! We have agency. We can act on how we want our lives to look and feel.
Take action! Do the thing! Do ALL the things.
Or not.
But at least take the time to understand that this is your story, your adventure.
Wouldn’t you like to see what is possible?
I would.
I imagine this piece might feel a bit fragmented or discombobulated. Well, sometimes, that’s how I navigate this thing called life. It’s not always neatly structured.
I got what I needed out of this piece. And for now, that’s what matters.
Also, if this made any sense to you and you like poems, below, I’ve included one of my favorites: Invictus.
The poem was presented to me in the eighth grade. I fell in love with the words and memorized them. I repeated them back to myself often. I thought I knew what they meant.
Maybe I did.
But I don’t think so.
I think it took time, experience, failures, and heartbreak; it took giving away my agency and allowing others to write about some of my adventures. It took all that to get me to understand the poem.
This is my adventure. I take the lead.